Our Girl Scout troop had the pleasure of hosting an event with our local council.  We had over 150+ guests and they were guided through an evening of arts, crafts, and learning about the stars! 

I was in charge of creating an art project to educate the girls about being an artist, working outdoors, and the constellations featured in our art project.

I led the girls in small groups through this step-by-step art project.  This starry night painting is very easy to create and the possibilities are endless. 

The main art techniques featured are wet-into-wet watercolor painting, crayon wax resist, and adding texture with rubbing alcohol.

Starry Night Watercolor

Constellation Painting

Art Supplies Needed:

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Step-by-Step Painting Instructions:

  • Draw your constellation design (templates included below in a downloadable pdf), stars, and any other elements you would like to include in the artwork with a silver crayon.
  • Wet the paper with clear water (a good amount of water so the surface is wet but not too much or the paper may turn to mush šŸ˜‰
    • The wet paper may buckle at first, you can tape it down before you begin, or just work with it.  Sometimes the buckled paper creates interesting effects with the watercolor.
  • Use a paintbrush to apply watercolor paint onto the wet paper.  Gently brush various colors onto the painting and let the watercolor and water mix.
    • Let the magic happen!  Try to be gentle with the brush and not scrub or brush over the crayon excessively.  The wax in the crayon will resist the paint and water (but not if you brush over it too much).
    • The more pigment you apply to the paper, the more BOLD and BRIGHT your colors will turn out!
  • While the paper is still well, sprinkle drops of rubbing alcohol into the wet paint and see what happens!
  • Allow the painting to lay flat to dry.

I’ve created the following resources for this project:

  • Four constellation templates (Big Dipper, Little Dipper, Orion, Duneyrr).
  • Information sheet about Norse mythology with constellation images included.

Click on the images below to open and download the pdf.


Constellation Templates

Information Sheet

My happy girl scout with her constellation painting!

I hope you enjoy this project and I’d love to hear from you!


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